Thomas Nielsen
CEO - Fakta & Coop 365discount
Thomas has been working in the retail industry for 20+ years, where he has gathered experience in a wide range of fields. Not only is Thomas the CEO of Fakta, but his latest job position has secured him the role as the CEO of the new established retail chain, Coop 365discount. This has given him competencies within Change management, business strategy, leadership and management. Due to this, Thomas has gathered knowledge on consumer behaviour and how sustainability is key in adapting to consumers’ needs.
At Retail Insights, Thomas will use the knowledge he has acquired over time to give insights on the topic of how to adapt your business to modern expectations with digitalization and thereby meet the consumers’ expectations.
With Denmark’s largest forum for Retail professionals, Retail Insights provides an invaluable platform for networking, new insights and exposure at the conference with +1.000 C-Levels, Retail directors & Retail innovators. We are always looking for sponsors, who can create value and deliver exceptional support to Retail Insights Copenhagen 2022.